Eye Disease

Woman With Glasses Smiling

Diseases of the eye are more common as we age and in those with underlying health problems.  If you experience vision changes, eye pain or other unusual symptoms, call us at Sun Laser Vision Center to schedule an exam.  An eye exam can help diagnose and treat diseases of the eye, potentially saving your vision and improving your quality of life. 

Why Do People Develop Disease of the Eye?

There are many diseases that can develop in the eyes.  Certain eye diseases can be more common in children or adults or in different ethnicities.  Eye diseases become more common as we age, are often due to poor circulation or other medical conditions or are caused by genetics.  Eye diseases can affect vision, cause discomfort or even disfigurement.  When left untreated, some eye diseases can lead to permanent vision loss. 

Many eye diseases can be successfully treated and sometimes cured when caught early. Early detection and regular exams can be critical in diagnosing and treating eye diseases and is the best way to maintain your vision and eye health.

What are the most common eye diseases?

The most common eye diseases include:

Glaucoma is a common eye condition as we age.  It can cause loss of vision from damage to the optic nerve.  Glaucoma develops from higher than normal pressure in the eye which in turn reduces blood flow to the optic nerve.  Over time this can lead to severe vision loss or blindness.  Glaucoma often has no symptoms in the beginning stages.

Fortunately, there are now many treatments that can slow down or even halt glaucoma.  Sun Laser Vision Center offers many of the latest treatments in glaucoma surgery including Glaukos® iStent®, Ahmed® valves, medical and laser treatment for glaucoma, minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), and others.

If you’re not entirely sure what a cataract is, don’t worry you’re not alone.  People sometimes mistakenly believe that a cataract is a growth.  In fact, when you have a cataract it just simply means that the natural lens in your eye is becoming cloudy and losing its transparency.  The natural lens is responsible for focusing light into your eye.  Cataracts reduce your vision and make it difficult or impossible to drive, read or complete everyday tasks.

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States.  The macula is the name of the central part of the retina.  It has the finest vision and is what allows us to read or distinguish small details.  As we age, circulation to the macula may become impaired and lead to damage (degeneration) of the macula and poor vision. 

Macular degeneration is one of the most studied areas in health care.  New treatments are regularly being developed.  Macular degeneration is often inherited and patients with a family history should have regular eye exams after the age of 50. 

Diabetes is a common cause of poor vision and even blindness.  Patients with diabetes should have annual eye exams to screen for any developing problems.  Over time, high blood sugar damages blood vessels.  Poor circulation to the eyes can injure the retina, cause direct bleeding within the eyes, result in premature cataract and even cause retinal detachment and blindness. Prevention is always best. Patients with diabetes should maintain good blood sugar control, modify their diet and exercise regularly.  For those with diabetic eye diseases, many treatments are available and new developments continue to improve the odds of keeping good functional vision.

What Are the Symptoms of Diseases of the Eye?

Anyone can develop an eye disease, but certain things raise your risk of getting them. Examples include a family history of eye diseases, older age, diabetes, past eye surgeries, and previous eye injuries.

How Does My Eye Doctor Diagnose Eye Disease?

To find out if you have an eye disease your ophthalmologist or optometrist will review your medical history, test your vision and eye pressure and assess your eye health by examining them with a microscope called the slit lamp. Eye exams usually involve dilation of the pupil using drops. If indicated your doctor may suggest tests to help clarify if you have a suspected disease or the current severity of the disease. Once your eye exam and testing is complete, your doctor will suggest treatment options if needed.

Expect your full exam to last 1 to 2 hours. It takes about 30 minutes for the pupils to dilate. It’s always recommended that you have somebody drive you home after your exam because your vision will be blurred by the dilation.

Eye exams are usually painless but you may notice some dryness or irritation after the exam. Your near vision will be blurry for several hours after the exam.

How Are Eye Diseases Treated?

Your personalized eye disease treatment depends on what eye disease you have and how severe it is. Your ophthalmologist could recommend:

Please keep your recommended follow-up to monitor your progress or if necessary to make changes to your treatment. Follow-up helps to ensure you are on the right course.

Early detection and treatment of eye disease is the best way to protect your vision and lower the chance of vision loss or blindness. Call sun laser vision center today to schedule an appointment.

Sun Laser Vision Center

5920 Cromo Dr.
El Paso, Texas 79912

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