Eyelid Surgery

Eye Being Prepped for Eyelid Surgery

With age, problems with the eyelids can develop. Droopy upper eyelid skin can block your peripheral vision. Looseness of the lower eyelid tendons can cause the lower eyelids to sag or role inward or outward. Weakness of the upper eyelid muscle attachments can cause the eyelid to block the pupil.

If you’re having trouble with your eyelids Sun Laser Vision Center is here to help. Effective eyelid surgery can help you to see better, make your eyes look less tired and may even make you look younger. To learn more about eyelid surgery and find out if it’s a good option for you, call Sun Laser Vision Center to date to schedule an appointment.

What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery includes several different types of procedures to fix the specific problem area. Blepharoplasty involves removing baggy upper eyelid skin, ptosis repair strengthens the upper eyelid muscle and tendon lifting a drooping eyelid and entropion or ectropion repair tighten a lax lateral tendon tightening up the lower eyelid position.

During eyelid surgery or ophthalmologist will remove excess skin and tighten sagging relaxed tissues to improve the position, curvature and appearance of your eyelid. This in turn will help to improve your vision, reduce excess tearing and help with eye irritation.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?

To find out if eyelid surgery is right for you, your ophthalmologist reviews your medical history, assesses your vision, and evaluates your eyelids. They talk with you about the results you’re looking for and then create a personalized treatment plan suited for you.

How Should I Prepare for Eyelid Surgery?

To get ready for eyelid surgery, follow your surgeon’s instructions. Do not wear makeup or apply lotions to your face the day of surgery. Follow the instructions regarding your medications requested by your surgeon. Make arrangements for someone to drive you home after the procedure and stay with you for at least one night.

What Happens During Eyelid Surgery?

Right before eyelid surgery, your ophthalmologist numbs the treatment area and gives you medicine to help you relax. They make tiny incisions in your eyelids, remove excess skin and other tissues, and close the incisions. Your eye doctor will often apply ointment to your eyes to reduce the risk of infection and speed up healing.

Interested in Eyelid Surgery?

Call the Sun Laser Vision Center or book an appointment online today to find out if eyelid surgery is the right choice for you.


What Should I Expect After Eyelid Surgery?

After eyelid surgery, you rest in a recovery area until it’s time to head home with a family member or friend.  Patients go home the same day of surgery.

Possible temporary side effects of eyelid surgery include:

Follow your specialist’s instructions. Intermittently use ice packs over your eyelids, keep them clean, use eye drops or ointment as directed. Don’t rub your eyes, and avoid strenuous activities and wearing contact lenses until your provider says it’s OK. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and eyelids from the sun and wind.

Swelling and bruising after eyelid surgery usually go away on their own within 10-14 days. Surgical scars fade away over time.

Sun Laser Vision Center

5920 Cromo Dr.
El Paso, Texas 79912

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